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Bali is famous for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant arts scene, stunning beaches, picturesque rice terraces and volcanic mountains. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of activities such as snorkeling, surfing, cycling, yoga, trekking and exploring a lot of cultural attractions.

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Flores is also known for its natural wonders, including the Kelimutu volcano, which has three crater lakes that change color depending on the time of day, and the Wae Rebo village, which is a traditional village located in the mountains of Flores that is only accessible by foot.

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Java island offering a wide range of attractions for visitors to explore. The most famous landmark on the island is Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Hindu temple Prambanan, the historic city of Yogyakarta, Mount Bromo and Ijen volcano.

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Kalimantan is popular destination for ecotourism, many national parks that offer opportunities for trekking, bird watching, and wildlife spotting. Some of the popular attractions in Kalimantan include the Tanjung Puting, which is known for its orangutan, Derawan Islands, beautiful coral reefs and underwater life.

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Top Destination

Komodo National Park is notable as the habitat of the Komodo Dragons, the world largest living lizards. Komodo NP is made up of rusty-red volcanic hills, savannah and forests, but it surrounds waters of seagrass beds, and the coral reefs are famous for diving and snorkeling.

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Lombok is known for its stunning natural beauty, with beautiful beaches, clear waters, and lush green landscapes. The island is also home to Mount Rinjani, an active volcano and the second-highest volcano in Indonesia, which is popular for trekking.

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Maluku offers visitors a rich tapestry of culture, history, and natural beauty to explore and enjoy. Whether you're interested in learning about its fascinating history, experiencing its vibrant culture, or simply relaxing on its beautiful beaches, Maluku has something to offer everyone.

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Nusa Islands

The Nusa Islands are known for their stunning beaches, beautiful coral reefs, crystal-clear waters and rugged cliffs. They are a popular destination for snorkeling, diving, surfing, swimming and exploring the gorgeous views.

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Visitors to Papua can explore the province's many natural and cultural attractions, such as the Baliem Valley, which is known for its beautiful landscapes, the Raja Ampat Islands, the best diving spots in the world, and the Lorentz National Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Raja Ampat is considered one of the best diving spots in the world due to its rich marine biodiversity and stunning coral reefs with whales, dolphins and sea turtles. In addition to diving and snorkeling, visitors can also enjoy other activities such as kayaking, island hopping and bird watching.

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Sulawesi has a rich history and is known for its unique blend of cultures, Visitors to Sulawesi can explore the island's many cultural attractions, such as traditional markets, museums, and historical sites, as well as its natural beauty, such as waterfalls, mountains, and forests.

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Sumatera island offering a wide range of attractions and activities. Visitors can explore the natural beauty of places like Lake Toba, the Mentawai Islands, and the Kerinci Seblat National Park, or immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of cities like Padang, Bukittinggi, and Medan.

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